Van Life What You Need To Know

Van Life What You Need To Know

Van Life What You Need To Know

Have you ever wanted to up and leave your conventional life behind for something a little more adventurous? If so, then van life might just be for you! In this article, we’ll cover what you need to know about van life, from the basics of outfitting your van to the best places to travel.

What is van life?

Van life is a term used to describe the lifestyle of people who live in vans. This can include full-time van dwellers, weekend warriors, or anyone in between. Van life has become popular in recent years as a way to live a more simple and nomadic lifestyle.

There are many reasons why people choose to live in vans. For some, it’s a way to save money on rent or mortgage payments. For others, it’s a way to travel and see new places without being tied down to one location. And for some, it’s simply a preference for living in a smaller space.

Whatever the reason, van life can be an exciting and rewarding way of life. If you’re thinking of giving it a try, here are a few things you need to know.

1. You don’t need a fancy van to live the van life.

2. You can make your van as comfortable as you want, but don’t forget that you’ll be spending a lot of time outside too.

3. Be prepared for some challenges, like finding parking and dealing with bad weather.

4. You’ll need to be creative when it comes to cooking and storage.

5. And finally, don’t forget to have fun!

What to consider before going full-time in a van

There are a lot of things to think about before you take the plunge and go full-time in a van. Here are some things to consider:

1. What is your budget?
2. What kind of vehicle do you want to live in?
3. How much space do you need?
4. What will you use for transportation?
5. What are your power and water needs?
6. Where will you park or store your van?
7. How will you furnish and decorate your van?
8. What are your safety and security needs?
9. What are your communication and entertainment needs?
10. What other considerations do you have?

What gear you need for van life

One of the great things about van life is that you can really live minimally and still have everything you need. Of course, this all depends on what your definition of “need” is. For some people, that might mean having a fully stocked kitchen and a cozy bed to sleep in every night. For others, it might simply mean having a place to store their belongings and a way to get from point A to point B.

No matter what your needs are, there are a few key pieces of gear that you’ll need for van life. First, you’ll need some kind of vehicle to live in (obviously). This can be anything from a converted van to an RV to a small trailer. Second, you’ll need some basic camping gear like a sleeping bag, camp stove, and cooler. Third, you’ll need storage solutions for all of your belongings. And fourth, you’ll need a way to stay connected to the outside world, whether that’s through Wi-Fi or a satellite phone.

Of course, this is just a basic overview of what you might need for van life. The reality is that everyone’s needs are different and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. So, take some time to think about what you really need in order to live comfortably on the road. Then, start stockpiling the gear that you’ll need to make your van life dreams a reality.

Last updated on July 20, 2024 11:03 pm

The different types of vans

There are many different types of vans on the market these days, so it can be tough to know which one is right for you and your needs. Here is a quick overview of some of the most popular types of vans:

1. Minivans: A minivan is a great option if you need a lot of space for people and cargo. They typically have seating for 7 or 8 people, and lots of room for storage.

2. Cargo vans: Cargo vans are perfect if you need to move large items or a lot of gear. They have high ceilings and plenty of space for hauling everything from furniture to sports equipment.

3. Passenger vans: Passenger vans are ideal for groups who need to travel together. They have comfortable seating for up to 15 people, and plenty of room for luggage.

4. Camper vans: Camper vans are outfitted with all the basics you need for camping, including a bed, kitchen, and storage space. They’re perfect for weekend getaways or longer road trips.

The pros and cons of van life

There are definitely some pros and cons to living in a van. On the plus side, it can be a very freeing and flexible lifestyle. You can pretty much go where you want, when you want – which is great for exploring different parts of the country or world. And, it can be much cheaper than traditional forms of housing.

On the downside, van life can be pretty tough at times. It can be difficult to find places to park and sleep, and you often have to sacrifice creature comforts like a regular shower or kitchen. There’s also the constant worry about your vehicle breaking down – which can be a major hassle (and expense) if you’re in a remote location.

So, overall, there are definitely some pros and cons to van life. It’s not for everyone, but it can be a great way to live for those who are willing to sacrifice some creature comforts for the freedom and flexibility that it provides.

How to live sustainably in a van

There are many ways to live sustainably, but one of the most popular nowadays is living in a van. Vans are becoming increasingly popular as a means of sustainable living due to their low carbon footprint and ability to be off-grid. Here are some tips on how to live sustainably in a van:

1. Use renewable energy sources: Solar panels are a great way to power your van without relying on fossil fuels. If you can’t install solar panels, consider using a wind turbine or water generator.

2. Insulate your van: This will help you keep warm in winter and cool in summer, meaning you won’t have to use energy-intensive heating and cooling systems.

3. Use LED lights: These are much more efficient than traditional light bulbs and will help reduce your energy consumption.

4. Grow your own food: Having a small garden or even just some potted plants will help you to reduce your food miles and eat more sustainably.

5. Collect rainwater: You can use rainwater for watering your plants or even cleaning your van if you have an appropriate filtration system.

6. Reduce, reuse, recycle: This mantra is important for sustainable living in general, but it’s especially important when living in a van. Try to reduce the amount of stuff you own, reuse what you can, and recycle anything that can’t be reused.

The best places to travel in a van

There are a lot of great places to travel in a van. Here are some of the best:

1. The West Coast: This is a great place to travel in a van because there are so many beautiful places to see. You can drive up the coast and see all of the different scenery.

2. The Rockies: If you want to get away from the busyness of the city, then the Rockies are a great place to go. There are lots of different trails that you can explore.

3. The Desert: The desert is a great place to travel in a van because it is so different from anywhere else. There is so much to see and do in the desert.

4. The Southeast: The Southeast is a great place to travel in a van because there are so many different cultures to experience. You can drive through different states and experience all of the different customs.

5. The Northeast: The Northeast is a great place to travel in a van because there are so many different things to see and do. You can drive through different states and see all of the different scenery.

How to make money while living in a van

There are a lot of ways to make money while living in a van. You can do odd jobs, work as a freelancer, or even start your own business. If you have the right skills and are willing to hustle, you can make a decent income while living the van life.

One of the best ways to make money while living in a van is to do odd jobs. You can advertise your services online or through word-of-mouth. Once you build up a reputation, you can start charging more for your services.

If you have some skills that you can offer as a freelancer, you can also make good money while living in a van. There are numerous platforms that allow you to find clients and get paid for your work. The key is to find the right platform and market yourself well.

If you’re feeling entrepreneurial, you can also start your own business while living in a van. This will obviously require more effort and planning, but it can be done. There are many successful businesses that started as van-based businesses, so don’t be discouraged.

Making money while living in a van is possible if you’re willing to hustle and get creative. There are many opportunities out there for those who are willing to look for them. With a little effort, you can make a decent income and enjoy the van life at the same time.

The best places to travel in a van

There are a lot of great places to travel in a van, but here are some of our favorites:

1. The Pacific Coast Highway – This iconic road trip takes you along the stunning California coast, with plenty of stops for camping, hiking, and beach time.

2. The Great Smoky Mountains – For a more rustic van life experience, head to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There are plenty of primitive camping spots available, as well as opportunities for hiking, fishing, and bird watching.

3. Yellowstone National Park – Yellowstone is one of the most popular national parks for a reason – it’s absolutely breathtaking. From geysers to waterfalls to wildlife, there’s something for everyone here. Just be sure to get a backcountry permit if you’re planning on doing any overnight camping.

4. The Grand Canyon – Another bucket list-worthy destination, the Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Hike to the bottom or take a mule ride down – either way, you’ll be blown away by the views.

5. Zion National Park – Zion is a hiker’s paradise, with plenty of trails of all difficulty levels. The scenery here is truly incredible, and you’re likely to see some deer, bighorn sheep, or even cougars if you’re lucky.

How to make money on the road

One of the great things about van life is that it can be a very affordable way to travel. However, if you want to make some money while on the road, there are a few things you can do.

One option is to look for workamping jobs. Workamping is basically working in exchange for a campsite. This can be a great way to save money on accommodation costs. There are a number of websites that list workamping opportunities, so have a look around and see what’s available.

Another option is to start a small business. This could be anything from selling handmade goods to offering tours or running a blog about your van life adventures. If you’re creative and entrepreneurial, there are many ways to make money while on the road.

Of course, you can always find traditional jobs as well. If you’re willing to move around frequently, there are plenty of opportunities out there. You can use websites like Craigslist or Indeed to search for jobs in different areas.

Whatever route you decide to go, there are plenty of ways to make money while living the van life. So get out there and start exploring!


Overall, van life can be a great experience for those who are prepared for it. It requires some initial investment and planning, but the payoff is worth it. With a bit of research and preparation, you can hit the road and enjoy all that van life has to offer.